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About Valerie

The activity and sport of K9 Nose Work® captured Valerie’s interest immediately when she first heard of it in 2010, and in 2012 she became one of the first ten Certified Nose Work Instructors in the state of New Jersey.  


Since then, she has gone on to become a Judge and Certifying Official for NACSW Odor Recognition Tests and has had the pleasure of seeing some of her students become certified as instructors.  She is also a judge for all levels of AKC Scent Work.


Valerie's credentials include:


  • Certified Canine Nose Work Instructor (CNWI)

  • K9 Nose Work® ORT Judge and Certifying Official

  • AKC Scent Work Judge

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA)

  • AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Evaluator

  • AKC Trick Dog Evaluator

  • Diploma of Canine Behavior Science and Technology (Dip.CPST)

  • Certificate of Professional Dog Training Science and Technology (Cert. PDTST)


She frequently attends seminars, webinars, conferences and workshops to increase her knowledge and stay current in her field.  


Valerie currently has four German Shorthaired Pointers and has handled them to titles in


  • K9 Nose Work®

  • AKC Scent Work

  • Rally

  • Hunting

  • Conformation

  • CGC

  • Trick Dog

  • All Dogs Parkour

  • Cyber Rally-O

  • Valor Agility


She has been in the ribbons with her dogs more times than not in both K9 Nose Work® and AKC Scent Work.  

Seamus set a record by achieving the NW3 Elite title in first place on each of the three required NW3 titles. Donovan is competing in NW3 and has been High In Trial in AKC Scent Work, earning most of his titles with placements. 

Fiona, after a 5-year hiatus due to medical issues, came back to the game earning her NW2 title in 3rd place and multiple placements in AKC Scent Work.

Lucy earned the NW1 title Pronounced* 


Valerie resides in Beverly, NJ with her husband, their dogs, and a cockatiel.


*"The judges may ‘Pronounce’ handler/dog teams demonstrating exceptional technique and/or teamwork . . . Any handler/dog receiving a “P” on all searches completed in that trial will receive the ‘pronounced’ designation for the trial"  (NASCW Rule Book 10.4.2020.12.12)

Lucy NW1 Pronounced Sep 2016.jpg

Lucy  ~  NW1 title Pronounced

Commerorative Tin w NW3 Qtips.jpg

One of the three 1st Place commemorative tins earned by Seamus


Seamus  ~  NW3 Elite title  1st Place Overall

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